3 Steps to apply for tuition assignments

Step 01

Download Telegram from Google Playstore or Apple Store

Step 02

Join our Telegram channel @SingaporeTuitions

Step 03

Create and save your profile using our Telegram bot.
Note: Our Telegram bot allows you to submit your certificates and testimonials from parents. All information is stored securely in our server.

Step 04

Apply for assignments when after it is posted in our Telegram channel.

Assignments tend to close within a few hours. Please apply quickly after the assignments are posted. As the telegram bot will save your profile, it will reduce the time taken to apply for assignments. You will only need to provide your rate and availability for each assignment that you apply.

3 Tips to Secure a Tuition Assignment

1. Write to Impress

Applying for tuition assignments is similar to applying for a job. Parents would like to receive information about a tutor’s teaching experience and methodology. As such, the write-up provided by the tutor will help parents to decide whether you are a suitable tutor. Please take the time to provide parents with information about your experience and past student performance.

If you are an experienced tutor, do provide details of your tuition experience and recount how you have helped your students improve. If you are a new tutor, tell us about the teaching methodologies that you are familiar with.

2. Relevance is Key

Ensure that your write-up is relevant to the tuition assignment.
For instance, if the assignment is to teach P3 Science, ensure that your experience matches that request.

Tutor 1 wrote: “I have 5 years of experience teaching Math and English”; while
Tutor 2 wrote: “I specialise in teaching primary school Science…”

Tutor 2 will be shortlisted as his or her write-up is aligned with the requirements of the tuition assignment.

3. Review Your Submissions

Parents will form an initial first impression of tutors based on their write-up. Make your write-up presentable by running a spelling and grammar check to eliminate errors or get a friend to proofread it for you. Avoid abbreviations, short-forms, and incomplete sentences; and save a draft so that you can edit or tweak your write-up later on. This is especially critical if a tutor is applying for a tuition assignment to teach English.